While Joseph was thinking about what to do (because he found out Mary was pregnant and he was unsure), an angel appeared to him in a dream. The angel told Joseph not to be afraid to marry Mary because her baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit.The angel explained that Mary would have a son and that they should name him Jesus. This baby would be special because he would save people from their wrongdoings (sins). (See Matthew 1:20-21).

Painting entitled 'The Dreamer' by Alton Felix (2022). Acrylic and canvas.
This Painting "The Dreamer" could depict the dream where God sent an angel to reassure Joseph about marrying Mary and to announce the importance of their baby, Jesus, who would help people by forgiving their sins.
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Bible Math Challenge #1: See Matthew 1
Joseph wants to buy supplies for the baby. A baby vest costs $5.50, and a baby bottle costs half the price of the vest. Joseph wishes to purchase four vests and two baby bottles. What is the total cost of these items?
A) $25.50
B) $27.00
C) $28.00
D) $29.50
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Bible Math Challenge #2: See Matthew 2
The Magi visited Jesus and presented gifts. If the value of gold was 300 shekels, frankincense was 2/3 times the value of the gold, and myrrh was 2 ½ times the value of frankincense, what was the total value, in shekels, of the gifts?
A. 800 shekels
B. 900 shekels
C. 1000 shekels
D. 1100 shekels
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