Primary Level Math 

"Christ Can!"   

"If you shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." - John 14:14

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  "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33




Painting entitled 'I Am' by Anaya and Alton Felix (2025). Acrylic on stone84cm x 105 cm. 

The Primary/Foundational Level...

Having a sound grasp of Math concepts at the foundational level will ensure that students better under Math at the secondary and tertiary levels. Through our interactive diagnostic assessments, students can determine what areas they understand and in what areas they need further assistance. Provide us with feedback in the areas where you are experiencing some difficulties. The Math Ministry is here to assist...Let's make your math journey a fulfilling, enjoyable and successful experience. Be blessed! 

  E-CLASSROOM P1: Mathematics (Statndard1/Level 1) 

View Level 1 Interactive Assessments 



  E-CLASSROOM P2: Mathematics  (Standard 2/Level 2) 


View Level 2 Interactive Diagnostics Assessments 



   E-CLASSROOM P3: Mathematics (Standard 3/Level 3)


View Level 3 Interactive Diagnostic Assessments 



   E-CLASSROOM P4: Mathematics (Standard 4/Level 4)

Interactive quizzes are available. Each day, a new quiz will be added. 

View Level 4 Interactive Assessments 



  E-CLASSROOM P5: Mathematics (Standard 5/Level 5)

Interactive quizzes....coming by 15th March, 2025! Thank you for visiting. 



   E-CLASSROOM 6: Self-Study Courses

Coming Soon! - Self-Study Courses to help you achieve success in foundational Math. Thank you for visiting. 



   E-CLASSROOM 6: Tutoring Services

Are you interested in getting Math Tuition? One-on-one tuition and group tuition are available... Contact Us





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  The Republic Of Trinidad & Tobago (c) 2004-2025.  The Math Ministry 


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