In what place is the digit '7' in 572?
- hundreds
- tens
- ones
In what place is the digit '9' in 968?
- Ones
- Tens
- Hundreds
What is the place value of '3' in 432?
- 3
- 30
- 300
What is the place value of '5' in 593?
- 500
- 50
- 5
What is the place value of '6' in 216?
- 600
- 60
- 6
In what place is the digit '9' in 952
- hundreds
- tens
- ones
Which number has '4' in the tens position?
- 234
- 342
- 432
Which number has '7' in the hundreds position?
- 784
- 874
- 487
In which number does '8' have a value of 800?
- 983
- 389
- 893
In which number does '5' have a value of 50?
- 175
- 751
- 517